26 [F4M] I know something you don’t… and I might just tell you.

26 [F4M] I know something you don’t… and I might just tell you.

Chat is this a red flag?

Gwen Stacy cosplay by me!!!

Lingering Fattys and chrysalis hunt

Lingering Fattys and chrysalis hunt

A few lone Fattys and chrysalis are popping up everywhere !!!!

20 million, but you have to make 1 million first.

The situation is simple, you are signed up for a social experiment in which you have a chance to win 20 million dollars, but as always, there's a catch. You have to abandon all your money and possessions (you'll get them back at the end of the challenge), move to a place where you have no deep connections (family, close friends), and you have to make 1 million in a year. Here are the rules: 1: No crime, this is a social experiment, you will be held accountable for your actions. 2: Nobody who knows about the challenge can be in contact with you, otherwise, if you accept a handout or special deal (like you get 1 million now and pay back 5 million later), then you will be judged to have broken the rules and be disqualified. You can have supervised visits or calls with your family and friends as often as you want. 3: You will be allowed to take neccesary medications and medical emergencies will dealt with by the company sponsering the experiment for free. 4: The 1 million doesn't have to be cash, but has to be in a form that can be considered reasonable. For example, you can't just make a company and sell a share for an absurd price, inflating the value of the company to over a million dollars for a brief time. 5: You can beg and accept handouts, but only from those who don't know about the challenge and are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. 6: Any debts must be repaid or be offset by your total net worth. For example, if you take out a 400,000 dollar loan, then you would need at least 1,400,000 in assets to complete the challenge. 7: The 1 million must be in USD.

It follows me in my dreams

Had a. Dream where i was playing payload on a weird Halloween map. I was playing as a heavy, and tried to kill a dead ringer spy, he not only feigned, but also got the most ridiculous trickstab on me where i was facing him. Then after respawning i heard him uncloak, went around the corner to kill him only to be trickstabbed the same way again

(ONLINE February 15) Webinar Announcement: The Revolutionary Legacy of Omar Aziz and the Future of Syria

Hola. Alguien sabe cuál es su nombre "artístico" ?

Are we going to be able to port our characters from the beta to the actual game?

I made a character im really happy with, and I dont wanna have to remake him entirely when the actual game starts

What religion is believing in whatever God exists?

And I don't look like one specific religion but like just believing whatever God exists not a specific God but if it exists i believe in it because like believing in the father of Jesus Christ God would make you a Christian I think so what would it mean to believe in whatever God is not one specific but just whatever one exists?

Got some New content Hit me up and a tele all new vids hit me up asap🔥🔥🔥

XL-East Taunton, MA 02718

unluckiest good luck ever

ive been trying to pull for anniversary n for weeks now and i still haven't gotten him. ive gotten so many other 5 stars BUT anniversary n

"> ive been trying to pull for anniversary n for weeks now and i still haven't gotten him. ive gotten so many other 5 stars BUT anniversary n

Super Bowl LIX is here! Pick more or less to win CASH. New Players – Get $59 in Pick6 Credits INSTANTLY when you play $5 - win or lose! 🏈

Super Bowl LIX is here! Pick more or less to win CASH. New Players – Get $59 in Pick6 Credits INSTANTLY when you play $5 - win or lose! 🏈

I tried to download the littlebigplanet 3 sci fi pack from ps2cv and I install it load up lbp3 and the items never show up is there any way to fix this?

Shark tooth (?) found on the coast of Curaçao

Any idea what type of shark it’s from? Pretty eroded, 4.5x4.5cm

"> Any idea what type of shark it’s from? Pretty eroded, 4.5x4.5cm

pov: te salio un mazo buenisimo en la chalupa


Looking for top offering bottom, it’s a long shot but one can dream please don’t hate

Volendrung but just the pencil art

I posted the speed paint and ppl preferred just the pencil rather than it being colored with water color lol

"> I posted the speed paint and ppl preferred just the pencil rather than it being colored with water color lol

Former ‘X-Men ’97’ Showrunner Beau DeMayo Claims Disney Fired Him For Raising Concerns About “Egregious Prejudicial Conduct” From Marvel Studios: “The Things I Witnessed While Working At Marvel Were Beyond Wrong And Unethical”

ELI5 : Drinking milk that has been left out of fridge

Bear with me here. Many people order a milk based coffee (such as latte) and spend several hours drinking it. The milk is warm as it was heated initially and can be reheated over this time. Why is it okay to be drinking this hot milk that's been left out for hours when milk that's been left out of the fridge and warmed up in the sun wouldn't be touched?

My 91 Dx Coupe

Bought off original owner with 130k miles, came all service records from when they first bought it and some stuff from the dealership they had gotten it at 30 some years ago. Gotta get some pics with the new wheels I threw on but this is the best one I have right now

"> Bought off original owner with 130k miles, came all service records from when they first bought it and some stuff from the dealership they had gotten it at 30 some years ago. Gotta get some pics with the new wheels I threw on but this is the best one I have right now

PHI 107 KC 6 eagles driving end of 4Q... KB "Man, if the eagles score here that might be the nail in the coffin" TB "Ohhhh don't count out #15 in the other side KB"

Sheezus I get it you wanna keep the viewers but holy cow. These guys are embarrassing themselves

My grandma scares me when she smokes cigs

>!Everytime she smokes cigs, I just wish she just stopped because now her smokers cough is so much worse to the point it sounds like she's coughing up a lung. I'm scared. I don't know I'd do without her. I'm freaking out right now but I guess it's my fault for freaking out?!<

Qingyi Harumasa Astra Yao Team Deadly Assault Gameplay & Build

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Study Web Development with flexible online courses designed to fit a busy schedule. DigitalCrafts online bootcamps give you the flexibility you need to pursue the education you want.

He is so cute and chunky I literally can't cope!!!!

I figured I was going to fold as soon as I saw him on the website but I bought him a few days and I'm literally obsessed! He's so round and squishy and his little face always cheers me up!

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